
加州最高法院以5比4裁定,試圖說服孕婦不要流產的非營利「危機妊娠中心」(crisis pregnancy centers),無需提供墮胎程序的資訊,嚴重影響了女性取得健康資訊的管道。


華盛頓特區非營利性教育機構「Advocates for Youth」的總裁黛布拉‧豪瑟(Debra Hauser)說,這項裁決對在緊急需求時尋求準確醫療信息的民眾來說,是一個打擊。


屬於全國性危機妊娠中心的一家非營利組織「Heartbeat International」總裁戈德西(Jor-El Godsey)說,該決定將容許這些中心「能繼續幫助婦女,不會感到被強迫墮胎」。他說:「行使言論自由權來幫助他人,不該被加州壓制。」


印第安納州兒科醫生翠西‧威金森(Tracey Wilkinson)和一位生殖健康醫生說,許多危機妊娠中心儘管沒有醫療執照,但仍把自己列為醫療中心,這對孕婦有潛在危險。

The California Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 to try to convince pregnant women not to miscarriage of non-profit "criss pregnancy centers" (crims centers), without the need to provide information on abortion procedures, seriously affecting women's access to health information.

The decision was in response to California’s 2015 law, which states that in addition to providing pregnant women with information on anti-abortion and adoption services, the Pregnancy Center also provides information about contraception and abortion care to prevent these centers from The clinic is self-employed.

Debra Hauser, president of Advocates for Youth, a non-profit educational institution in Washington, DC, said the ruling was a blow to people seeking accurate medical information in times of urgent need.

She said: "The reason is simple. Crisis pregnancy centers often provide patient care without a license and continue a culture that makes people feel ashamed of their personal health care choices. This ruling will only increase the number of fake clinics and make more People are deceived."

Jor-El Godsey, president of Heartbeat International, a non-profit organization at the National Crisis Pregnancy Center, said the decision would allow the centers to "continue to help women without feeling forced abortions." He said: "Exercising the right to freedom of speech to help others should not be suppressed by California."

But those who criticized the verdict said that some pregnancy centers are committed to providing "consultation" services to lure women, but they exaggerate the physical and mental health risks of abortion.

Indiana pediatrician Tracey Wilkinson and a reproductive health doctor say many crisis pregnancy centers, despite having no medical license, still list themselves as medical centers, which is potentially dangerous for pregnant women.

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